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Лучшие фотографии дикой природы 2021 года (ФОТО) – NewsYou

Самка западной низменной гориллы проходит через облако бабочек, Национальный парк Дзанга-Санга, Центральноафриканская республика, сообщает Esquire.

Landscape first place: Daniel De Granville Manço, BrazilThe carcass of a Pantanal alligator in the dry soil on the banks of the Transpantaneira highway, municipality of Poconé (Mato Grosso). The photo was taken with a drone on 4 October 2020, at the height of the droughts that hit the Pantanal that yearPhotograph: Daniel De Granville Manço/TNC photo contest 2021 Daniel De Granville Manco/TNC photo contest 2021

В категории «Пейзаж» победил Даниел де Гранвил Мансу из Бразилиис фотографией скелета парагвайского каймана на высохшей почве в районе бразильской заболоченной впадины Пантанал, штат Мату-Гросу.

Landscape second place: Denis Ferreira Netto, Brazil‘In a helicopter flight through the sea mountain range, I came across this white cloud cover, which resulted in this magnificent image that resembles the head of a dinosaur,’ the photographer saidPhotograph: Denis Ferreira Netto/TNC photo contest 2021 Denis Ferreira Netto/TNC photo contest 2021

Второе место в категории «Пейзаж» занял бразилианец Денис Ферейра Нету за фотографию хребта Серра-ду-Мар, напоминающего голову динозавра.

Landscape third place: Jassen Todorov, US‘If you have flown into San Francisco international airport, you may have seen these colourful salt ponds over the bay,’ Todorov said. ‘I have photographed them numerous times, as the colours and patterns constantly change thanks to microorganisms and salinity. This aerial image was taken while flying my plane.’Photograph: Jassen Todorov/TNC photo contest 2021 Jassen Todorov/TNC photo contest 2021

Бронзовый медалист категории «Пейзаж» — Яссен Тодоров из США со снимком соляных прудов в Сан-Франциско.

People’s choice award: Prathamesh Ghadekar, IndiaJust before monsoon, fireflies congregate in certain regions of India. Sometimes milllions of these insects can be found on a few special trees like this one. Thirty-two photographs of this tree were taken and later stacked in Adobe Photoshop, creating this imagePhotograph: Prathamesh Ghadekar/TNC photo contest 2021 Prathamesh Ghadekar/TNC photo contest 2021

Приз зрительских симпатий достался индуса Пратхамешу Гадекару, запечатлевшему светлячков.

Water third place: Man Wai Wong, Hong KongThe photo was taken in the winter of 2019 in IcelandPhotograph: Man Wai Wong/TNC photo contest 2021 Man Wai Wong/TNC photo contest 2021

Завораживающий кадр водопада в Исландии от Ман Вай Вонга, Гонконг.

People and nature first place: Alain Schroeder, BelgiumOrangutans in Indonesia are under threat from the ongoing depletion of the rainforest due to palm oil plantations, logging, mining, hunting. This photograph shows a team of rescue workers preparing Brenda, a female orangutan who is estimated to be three months old as she still has no teeth, for surgeryPhotograph: Alain Schroeder/TNC photo contest 2021 Alain Schroeder/TNC photo contest 2021

Триумфатор категории «Люди и природа» Алан Шредер из Бельгии снял процесс спасения орангутангов. Сотрудники программы по сохранению орангутангов Суматры готовят к операции трехмесячную самку по имени Бренда.

People and nature second place: Tom Overall, AustraliaA guide in the Sahara desert endures a sand stormPhotograph: Tom Overall/TNC photo contest 2021 Tom Overall/TNC photo contest 2021

Гид во время песчаной бури в Сахаре принес австралийцу Тому Овероллу второе место в категории Второе место в категории «Люди и природа».

People and nature third place:Şebnem Coşkun, Turkey ‘Covid-19 wastes’ are a new danger to aquatic life. According to a World Wildlife Fund report, an equivalent to 33,880 plastic bottles is being mixed into the Mediterranean Sea per minute, with waste washing up on the shores of Italy and TurkeyPhotograph: Şebnem Coşkun/TNC photo contest 2021 Sebnem Coskun/TNC photo contest 2021

Третье место категории «Люди и природа» — фотография дайвера в пучине мусора и пластика авторства Шебнема Джошкуна, Турция.

Water first place: Kazi Arifujjaman, BangledeshArifujjaman often explores water in his workPhotograph: Kazi Arifujjaman/contest 2021 Kazi Arifujjaman/TNC photo contest 2021

Победитель в категории «Вода» — Кази Арифуджаман, Бангладеш.

Water second place: Joram Mennes, MexicoThree levels of leisure: swimmers, freedivers and divers enjoy their respective sport and recreational activities in a fresh water mass known locally as the CenotesPhotograph: Joram Mennes/TNC photo contest 2021 Joram Mennes/TNC photo contest 2021

Второе место в категории «Вода» ушло Хораму Меннесу из Мексике, сфотографировавшего пловцов в сеноте — подземном водном резервуаре.

Wildlife first place: Buddhilini de Soyza, AustraliaIncessant rains in the Masai Mara national reserve in Kenya have caused the the Talek river to flood. This group of five male cheetahs, who received the nickname ‘Tano Bora’ ( the fast five), were looking to cross this river in terrifyingly powerful currents. ‘It seemed a task doomed to failure and we were delighted when they made it to the other side,’ De Soyza said. ‘This was a timely reminder of the damage wreaked by human induced climate change.’Photograph: Buddhilini de Soyza/TNC Photo Contest 2021 Buddhilini de Soyza/TNC Photo Contest 2021

Победитель в категории «Дикая природа» — Буддхилини де Суза из Австралии — запечатлел гепардов, боющихся с сильным течением реки Телек, Кения.

Wildlife second place: Mateusz Piesiak, PolandA large sunflower field, which could not be mowed this year due to the water level, attracted thousands of bird species this winter, mostly greenfinches, goldfinches and bramblingsPhotograph: Mateusz Piesiak/TNC Photo Contest 2021 Mateusz Piesiak/TNC Photo Contest 2021

Второе место в категории «Дикая природа» занял поляк Матеуш Пьесак с фотографией зеленушек, чижей и вьюрков на поле подсолнухов.

Wildlife third place: Viktor Vrbovský, Czech RepublicA pike tries to eat a large perch. “How did this end? I don’t know. The situation didn’t change much in an hour,’ Vrbovsky said. ‘I had to emerge because I was running out of air.’Photograph: Viktor Vrbovský/TNC photo contest 2021 Viktor Vrbovsky/TNC photo contest 2021

Третье место в «Дикой природе» занял Виктор Врбовский из Чехии. Он поймал момент захвата щукой крупного окуня.



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